
2 Lot Finger Gorgonian (1 yellow 1 red)


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Yellow, Red


Filter Feeder

Reef Compatible

Yes, with caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.023-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size




Minimum Tank Size

30 gallons


The Finger Gorgonian is a beautiful and captivating soft coral known for its branching structure and vibrant colors, making it a striking addition to reef aquariums. This lot includes two distinct color varieties: a bright yellow and a rich red. Their unique shapes and colors provide a natural, reef-like appearance to any marine setup.

Finger Gorgonians are peaceful and reef-compatible, though they require careful placement to ensure they are not shaded by other corals. They are filter feeders, relying on plankton and other microscopic particles in the water column. Supplemental feedings with phytoplankton or similar foods can support their health and vibrant coloration.

These gorgonians thrive in moderate to high water flow, which helps to keep their polyps open and ensures they receive enough food. They prefer moderate lighting, as excessive light can cause algae growth on their surface, requiring occasional cleaning. These corals are sensitive to poor water quality, so maintaining stable and pristine water conditions is essential.

Approximate Purchase Size: 4″ to 6″

SKU: CRTZ_1577 Categories: ,