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Bicolor Angelfish


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$42.00 $60.00

Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Yellow, Blue



Reef Compatible

With Caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

Size: 6″



Minimum Tank Size

70 gallons


The Bicolor Angelfish, also known as the Two-colored Angelfish, is a striking marine fish recognized for its vibrant coloration. The front half of the body is a brilliant yellow, while the back half is a deep blue, creating a stunning contrast. This angelfish adds a splash of color and activity to any marine aquarium.

Native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific, the Bicolor Angelfish thrives in well-established tanks with plenty of live rock for grazing and hiding. Although it can be housed in a reef tank, caution is advised as it may nip at soft corals and small invertebrates. Offering a varied diet of marine algae, spirulina, and meaty foods ensures its health and helps maintain its vibrant colors.

Reaching a maximum size of 6 inches, this angelfish is best suited for tanks of at least 70 gallons. Its semi-aggressive nature means it should be housed with other similarly sized fish to prevent territorial disputes. With proper care and a balanced diet, the Bicolor Angelfish can be a stunning and lively addition to a saltwater aquarium.

SKU: CRTZ_5148 Categories: , ,

Large, Medium, Small