
Black Stripe Dottyback


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Dark purple body with bright yellow or white stripes



Reef Compatible

Yes, with caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 74-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

3 inches



Minimum Tank Size

30 gallons


The Black Stripe Dottyback is a vibrant and eye-catching species known for its striking coloration and active demeanor. Featuring a dark purple body adorned with bright yellow or white stripes, this fish adds a lively burst of color to any reef aquarium.

As a semi-aggressive species, the Black Stripe Dottyback can exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards similar-sized fish or those that invade its space. It’s advisable to provide plenty of hiding spots and caves to help mitigate aggression and create a comfortable environment for all tank inhabitants.

This fish is primarily carnivorous, thriving on a diet rich in protein. It readily accepts high-quality pellets, frozen foods, and live offerings like brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. A varied diet is essential to maintain its health and vibrancy.

Reaching a maximum size of about 3 inches, the Black Stripe Dottyback requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. While it is compatible with many reef species, caution is advised when introducing it into a tank with smaller or more passive fish.

SKU: CRTZ_8622 Categories: ,