Quick Stats
Moderate |
Semi-aggressive |
Color Form
Black, Dark Olive, Green |
Omnivore |
Reef Compatible
With caution (may eat invertebrates) |
Specific Gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
9 inches |
Balistidae |
Minimum Tank Size
180 gallons |
The Black Triggerfish is a robust and eye-catching marine species known for its sleek black or dark olive coloration with subtle green hues. It has fine white to pale blue markings across its body, adding an elegant detail to its overall appearance. While generally peaceful when young, this species can become semi-aggressive as it matures, especially in smaller aquariums.
A large tank with plenty of swimming space and robust hiding spots is necessary for this fish to thrive. They are known for being bold and active, making them great display fish in marine setups. Caution is advised in reef tanks, as they may pick at corals and invertebrates, especially crustaceans.
The Black Triggerfish is an omnivore and thrives on a diet of meaty foods such as shrimp, squid, and fish, as well as some plant-based items. This species is hardy and well-suited for marine enthusiasts with some experience.