Quick Stats
Moderate |
Semi-aggressive |
Color Form
Deep black with blue accents |
Omnivore |
Reef Compatible
Yes, with caution |
sg 1.020-1.025, 75-80°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
6 inches |
Pomacanthidae |
Minimum Tank Size
75 gallons |
The Black Velvet Angelfish is a stunning species that captivates aquarists with its deep black coloration and striking blue accents along the edges of its fins. This unique appearance makes it a standout addition to any marine aquarium, especially when paired with vibrant corals and live rock.
Reaching a maximum size of about 6 inches, the Black Velvet Angelfish requires a minimum tank size of 75 gallons to thrive. It is known to exhibit semi-aggressive behavior, particularly towards its own species and similar-sized fish, so ample hiding spots and territories should be provided to minimize conflicts.
This species is an omnivore and benefits from a varied diet that includes high-quality pellets, flakes, and a mix of meaty and vegetable-based foods. Regular feeding of algae-based foods can help maintain its health and coloration.
While the Black Velvet Angelfish can be reef-compatible, caution should be exercised, as it may nip at corals or invertebrates, particularly when it feels threatened or is establishing territory.