
Blue Ring Octopus (Highly Venomous)(Expert Only)


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Quick Stats

Care Level

Expert Only



Color Form

Blue rings on a yellowish background



Reef Compatible


Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 74-80°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size




Minimum Tank Size

30 gallons


The Blue Ring Octopus (Hapalochlaena spp.) is one of the most intriguing yet dangerous cephalopods found in marine environments. Recognizable by its vibrant blue rings that appear when the octopus is threatened or agitated, this species is not only captivating but also highly venomous, capable of delivering a potentially lethal bite.

These octopuses possess a semi-aggressive temperament and should be housed in species-only aquariums or with very careful selection of tankmates. They can be territorial and are known to exhibit stress in crowded or unsuitable environments. Providing ample hiding spots and a well-structured habitat is essential to ensure their comfort and security.

As carnivores, Blue Ring Octopuses primarily feed on small crustaceans and fish. A varied diet of fresh or frozen meaty foods is crucial for their health. Due to their small size and quick movements, care must be taken to ensure they receive proper nutrition without the risk of overfeeding.

Due to their potent venom and specific care requirements, the Blue Ring Octopus is recommended only for experienced aquarists who understand the risks associated with keeping such a species. With the right conditions and care, this extraordinary octopus can thrive and provide a breathtaking display in a well-maintained marine aquarium.

Approximate Purchase Size: 2″ to 4″