
Earmuff Wrasse (No Guarantee)


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Yellow, Pink, Red



Reef Compatible

With Caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size




Minimum Tank Size

50 gallons


The Earmuff Wrasse (Halichoeres spp.) is a colorful and unique fish, easily recognized by the distinctive “earmuff” marking near its eyes. Its vibrant hues of yellow, pink, and red make it a visually appealing addition to a marine tank. Originating from reefs in the Indo-Pacific, the Earmuff Wrasse is moderately hardy and adaptable, making it a popular choice among aquarists with some experience in maintaining marine environments.

This wrasse is a carnivore and enjoys a varied diet of meaty foods, including mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and finely chopped seafood. Regular feeding ensures its vibrant coloration and overall health.

Although generally semi-aggressive, the Earmuff Wrasse coexists well with similar-sized tankmates but may show territorial behavior if housed in a small tank. In larger, well-structured tanks, it enjoys exploring rockwork and sandy substrates, which also serve as safe spaces to burrow in at night. This species is reef compatible with caution, as it may nip at small invertebrates.

The Earmuff Wrasse thrives in tanks of at least 50 gallons, providing it ample space to swim and explore. With its unique appearance and interesting behaviors, this wrasse brings a splash of color and personality to any marine setup.

SKU: CRTZ_9459 Categories: ,