Quick Stats
Expert |
Semi-aggressive |
Color Form
Black with White Spots |
Herbivore |
Reef Compatible
Yes |
Specific Gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
8 inches |
Acanthuridae |
Minimum Tank Size
180 gallons |
The Gem Tang is a rare and sought-after marine fish, admired for its striking black body adorned with small white spots, giving it a gem-like appearance. This beautiful fish is a standout addition to any large aquarium, and its unique coloration is sure to impress aquarists and guests alike.
Native to the Indian Ocean, the Gem Tang requires a large tank with ample swimming space and live rock for grazing. As an herbivore, it primarily feeds on algae, which helps control algae growth in the aquarium, though supplemental feeding with marine algae and vegetable-based foods is recommended.
With a semi-aggressive temperament, the Gem Tang may exhibit territorial behavior, especially toward other tangs or fish with a similar body shape. However, it generally coexists well in a reef environment with corals and other peaceful tank mates if given sufficient space and hiding spots.