
Orange Stripe Anthias


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Orange, Yellow



Reef Compatible


Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 74-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

3 inches



Minimum Tank Size

30 gallons


The Orange Stripe Anthias (Pseudanthias tuka) is a vibrant and colorful addition to any marine aquarium, characterized by its striking orange and yellow coloration. This species is often found in small groups in the wild, adding an active and lively presence to the tank.

Growing up to 3 inches, the Orange Stripe Anthias is best kept in a well-maintained aquarium with plenty of swimming space and hiding spots. It exhibits a peaceful temperament, making it compatible with a wide range of tankmates, though it should ideally be housed with other peaceful species to minimize stress.

As a planktonivore, this anthias thrives on a diet rich in small particles, such as live or frozen zooplankton, and high-quality flake or pellet food. Regular feeding is important to ensure its health and vibrant coloration. The Orange Stripe Anthias is also reef-compatible, often seen gracefully swimming among corals and providing an eye-catching spectacle in a well-planned reef setup.

SKU: CRTZ_1194 Categories: ,