
Picasso Grade B- (B2)


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Black, Orange, White



Reef Compatible


Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 74-80°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size




Minimum Tank Size

30 gallons


The Picasso Clownfish Grade B- (B2) (Amphiprion ocellaris) is an enchanting variation of the classic clownfish, recognized for its vibrant mix of black, orange, and white colors, with less intricate but still striking patterns compared to the higher-grade Picasso variants. Despite having simpler markings, this grade offers an affordable yet stunning option for marine aquarists.

Originating from the tropical reefs of the Indo-Pacific, this clownfish is well-suited to aquarium life, especially when provided with anemones or coral shelters that mimic its natural habitat. In the wild, Picasso Clownfish often live among anemones, and they retain this symbiotic behavior in captivity, enhancing their sense of security and color vibrancy.

Picasso Clownfish are generally peaceful but may show semi-aggressive tendencies when establishing territories or during breeding. This behavior is manageable in community setups if introduced carefully, especially around similarly sized or compatible species.

As omnivores, Picasso Clownfish thrive on a diverse diet of quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and mysis. Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for their health and helps to preserve their coloration.

Picasso Clownfish Grade B- (B2) are reef-compatible, making them a popular choice for reef aquariums. They typically do well with corals and invertebrates, but they may become territorial with other clownfish or small fish in a confined space, so a minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended.

This variant is hardy and adaptable, but stable water conditions remain crucial. Ensuring consistent temperature, pH, and salinity will help keep these beautiful fish healthy and stress-free.

The Picasso Grade B- (B2) Clownfish offers aquarists a lively and colorful addition to their aquarium at an approachable price point, bringing personality and aesthetic appeal to any saltwater setup.

SKU: CRTZ_4641 Categories: ,