Quick Stats
Easy |
Peaceful |
Color Form
Red, Blue, Black, Yellow |
Carnivore |
Reef Compatible
Yes |
Specific gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, Temperature 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
2 inches |
Gobiidae |
Minimum Tank Size
10 gallons |
The Red Head Goby is a small, vibrant fish, known for its striking red head and iridescent blue line that runs down its body. This peaceful fish is well-suited for nano or reef tanks and prefers to dwell near the bottom, where it can find hiding spots among rocks and coral. Its small size and calm temperament make it a good choice for community tanks. The Red Head Goby enjoys a carnivorous diet of small meaty foods such as brine shrimp and marine pellets. Ideal for aquarists seeking a hardy, colorful addition to their aquarium.