Quick Stats
Easy |
Semi-Aggressive |
Color Form
Green, Brown, Red (with distinctive red lips) |
Omnivore |
Reef Compatible
Yes |
Specific gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, Temperature 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
4 inches |
Blenniidae |
Minimum Tank Size
30 gallons |
The Red Lipped (Horseface) Blenny is a unique and charismatic fish known for its expressive face and prominent red lips, which give it a comical appearance. This species is primarily found in rocky reef environments where it can dart in and out of crevices. It is an ideal choice for reef tanks, as it is typically peaceful but may show territorial behaviors towards similar species. The blenny feeds on a mix of algae, small invertebrates, and meaty foods, making it an effective grazer for algae control. Its playful personality and distinct appearance make it a popular choice among marine aquarists.