
Japanese Pistol Shrimp


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Red with White Spots



Reef Compatible

With Caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.023-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

2 inches



Minimum Tank Size

10 gallons


The Japanese Pistol Shrimp is a fascinating and vibrant addition to marine aquariums, known for its bright red body adorned with white spots and its unique ability to create a loud “popping” noise by snapping its claw. This snapping mechanism, which it uses to stun prey or defend itself, gives the Pistol Shrimp its name and makes it an intriguing creature to observe in an aquarium setting.

Native to rocky and sandy reef environments, this shrimp pairs well with certain types of gobies, forming symbiotic relationships where the goby acts as a lookout, while the shrimp maintains a burrow they both share. However, the Japanese Pistol Shrimp can be semi-aggressive and may be territorial, particularly towards other small invertebrates, so it should be introduced cautiously in a reef setup.

As a carnivore, the Japanese Pistol Shrimp feeds on small meaty foods, such as mysis shrimp and other marine-based proteins, and benefits from a varied diet to maintain optimal health. It generally adapts well to tank life but should be provided with ample hiding spaces, such as rocks and caves, where it can establish a burrow.

Due to its snapping behavior, this shrimp should be housed in a tank with a secure lid, as the noise and activity may occasionally startle tankmates. While generally reef compatible, it is best kept in tanks with robust corals and peaceful fish that won’t disrupt its burrow. With proper care, the Japanese Pistol Shrimp adds both color and personality to the aquarium, making it a favorite among marine enthusiasts looking for a unique and interactive invertebrate.

SKU: CRTZ_8573 Categories: ,