Quick Stats
Expert Only |
Semi-Aggressive |
Color Form
Red, Orange, Camouflaged Patterns |
Carnivore |
Reef Compatible
With Caution |
Specific gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, Temperature 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
10 inches |
Scorpaenidae |
Minimum Tank Size
75 gallons |
The Red Scorpion Fish is a fascinating species known for its vibrant red and orange coloration and camouflaging abilities. Native to rocky areas where it blends seamlessly into the surroundings, this fish is a skilled ambush predator, feeding on smaller fish and crustaceans. It has venomous spines along its dorsal fin, which provide a defense against potential threats. Due to its venomous nature and feeding habits, it is best suited for expert aquarists in a species-specific or carefully monitored reef setup. It requires a diet of live or frozen meaty foods like shrimp, fish, and other protein-rich fare.