Quick Stats
Easy |
Semi-Aggressive |
Color Form
White with Red Spots, Dark Bands on Body |
Carnivore |
Reef Compatible
With caution |
Specific gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, Temperature 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
5 inches |
Cirrhitidae |
Minimum Tank Size
30 gallons |
The Redspotted Hawkfish is a beautifully patterned species known for its vibrant red spots and distinct bands along its body, giving it a unique and captivating look. This hawkfish is semi-aggressive, often perching on rocks to survey its surroundings. Its carnivorous diet includes small crustaceans, live or frozen meaty foods, making it an easy fish to feed. Though reef-compatible with caution, it may pose a threat to smaller invertebrates. Ideal for moderately-sized tanks, this hawkfish adds both color and personality to any marine setup, especially suited for aquarists who appreciate its active and curious nature.