
Ritteri Anemone (Indo)


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Quick Stats

Care Level

Expert Only



Color Form

Green, Purple, Yellow, Brown



Reef Compatible

With Caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.023-1.025, 74-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

36 inches



Minimum Tank Size

100 gallons


The Ritteri Anemone (Indo), also known as the Magnificent Anemone, is one of the most visually impressive and challenging anemones to keep in an aquarium. Known for its vibrant coloration and large, flowing tentacles that display shades of green, purple, yellow, and brown, this anemone makes a dramatic addition to a mature reef setup. Native to the Indo-Pacific, the Ritteri Anemone is highly sensitive to changes in water conditions and lighting, making it suitable only for expert aquarists.

The Ritteri Anemone is aggressive and requires ample space, as its tentacles can inflict potent stings on neighboring corals or invertebrates. Its large size and tendency to move around the aquarium in search of ideal conditions make it essential to provide a spacious tank. This anemone requires strong lighting, as well as moderate to high water flow to thrive, mimicking the strong currents of its natural reef environment.

In the wild, Ritteri Anemones host various species of clownfish, which can establish a symbiotic relationship in captivity as well. Feeding should include meaty foods such as small fish, shrimp, or pieces of scallop several times a week to supplement its diet, as it relies on both photosynthesis and external feeding for nourishment.

Approximate Purchase Size: 6 to 12 inches

SKU: CRTZ_1246-1 Categories: ,