Quick Stats
Moderate |
Aggressive |
Color Form
Red with white or pale bands |
Carnivore |
Reef Compatible
No |
72-78°F, sg 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4, dKH 8-12 |
Max. Size
Up to 18 inches |
Serranidae |
Minimum Tank Size
250 gallons |
The V-Tail Grouper, known for its distinctive tail shape and its bold red-and-white banding, is a striking species commonly found in coral-rich areas of the Indo-Pacific. This fish is known to be a voracious carnivore, feeding on smaller fish and crustaceans in the wild, and requires a diet rich in meaty foods such as shrimp, squid, and other marine prey in captivity.
This grouper can reach up to 18 inches in length and is best kept in a large, spacious aquarium with rock structures and hiding places to mimic its natural environment. The V-Tail Grouper is highly territorial and aggressive, especially towards smaller tankmates, making it best suited for a species-only tank or with other large, robust fish.
Though beautiful, it is not reef-safe, as it will prey on invertebrates and small fish. It requires a large aquarium with efficient filtration to handle its waste output, as it is a messy eater. The V-Tail Grouper is a fascinating fish for experienced marine aquarists, but due to its aggressive nature and large size, careful consideration must be given to tankmates and tank setup.