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Yellow Eschmeyeri Rhinopias (Africa) MD


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Quick Stats

Care Level

Expert Only



Color Form




Reef Compatible

With Caution

Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

7 inches



Minimum Tank Size

55 gallons


The Yellow Eschmeyeri Rhinopias is a rare and captivating scorpionfish that boasts a vibrant yellow color, helping it blend in with sponges and corals in its natural habitat. Native to the reefs of Africa, this unique species is highly sought after by experienced aquarists due to its fascinating appearance and camouflaging abilities. With a body covered in intricate patterns and frilled appendages, the Yellow Eschmeyeri Rhinopias is perfectly suited for ambush-style hunting in the aquarium.

This species requires expert care and precise water parameters to thrive. The Yellow Eschmeyeri Rhinopias is not particularly active and spends most of its time waiting for prey, which makes it suitable for a peaceful tank with few fast-swimming tankmates. However, caution is advised if placing it in a reef aquarium, as it may prey on small fish and invertebrates.

As a carnivore, it should be fed a diet of live or frozen meaty foods such as shrimp, small fish, and crabs. Regular feeding and a stable environment are crucial for its health and coloration.

Approximate Purchase Size: Medium: 3″ to 5″

SKU: CRTZ_2889-3 Categories: , ,