Quick Stats
Moderate |
Semi-Aggressive |
Color Form
Blue body with a yellow tail and fins |
Herbivore |
Reef Compatible
Yes, with caution |
Specific Gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, 75-80°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
10 inches |
Acanthuridae |
Minimum Tank Size
75 gallons |
The Yellow Tail Surgeonfish (Zebrasoma xanthurum) is a stunning marine species that captivates aquarists with its vibrant coloration and lively personality. Characterized by its bright blue body and striking yellow tail and fins, this surgeonfish adds a splash of color to any reef aquarium. Known for their active swimming habits, Yellow Tail Surgeons are best kept in larger tanks with ample swimming space and plenty of rockwork to provide hiding spots and grazing areas.
These fish can display semi-aggressive behavior, particularly as they establish their territory. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce them into a community tank with similarly sized and temperamented species. They thrive when housed in groups, provided that the tank is spacious enough to prevent territorial disputes. It’s essential to monitor their interactions closely to ensure compatibility with other inhabitants.
As herbivores, Yellow Tail Surgeonfish primarily graze on algae in their natural habitat. In captivity, they should be offered a varied diet consisting of high-quality marine algae, spirulina, and specialty herbivore pellets. A well-balanced diet not only supports their health and vibrant coloration but also encourages natural grazing behavior. With proper care and a suitable environment, the Yellow Tail Surgeonfish can thrive and be a spectacular centerpiece in any marine aquarium.