
Fireball Angel Brazil


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Centropyge aurantonotus

Common across patches of isolated staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis in the southern Carribean and in the coasts of Brazil. The majority of its oval-shaped body is deep blue, with yellow coloration above, and it can reach up to a length of 6 cm. It is often confused with the Orangeback Angelfish (Centropyge acanthops) but in the latter the yellow to orange coloration extends to cover the entire back.  The flameback angelfish has a short snout and small mouth.Its dorsal fin has about 15 spines and 16 soft rays. Its anal fins consist of about 17 soft rays and 3 spines. Its eyes have a narrow blue ring around it. Juvenile flameback pygmy angelfish have the same body colour except that the yellow-orange coloration spreads further back. It’s a non-migratory species found in depth ranges of 12 to 200 m.
SKU: CRTZ_2883 Categories: ,