
Neon Goby


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Bright Blue with a Distinctive Blue Stripe



Reef Compatible


Water Conditions

sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

Up to 2 inches



Minimum Tank Size

20 gallons


The Neon Goby is a small and vibrant fish known for its striking appearance and lively behavior. With its bright blue body and a distinctive blue stripe running along its side, it adds a splash of color to any aquarium. This species is a popular choice for reef tanks due to its peaceful temperament and compatibility with various tank mates.

Neon Gobies are generally easy to care for, making them suitable for beginners in the aquarium hobby. They thrive in well-maintained tanks with plenty of hiding spots and swimming space. As omnivores, they require a varied diet that includes high-quality flake food, frozen or live food, and algae-based foods to ensure optimal health and color vibrancy.

In addition to their beautiful appearance, Neon Gobies are known for their beneficial behavior in aquariums. They are natural cleaners, often seen picking parasites and dead skin off larger fish, which can promote overall tank health and harmony.

Due to their small size, a minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended to provide adequate space for swimming and interaction. They are best kept in groups or pairs, as they exhibit social behavior and often thrive when interacting with their own kind.

Overall, the Neon Goby is a delightful addition to any community or reef aquarium, known for its beauty, peaceable nature, and helpful cleaning habits.

SKU: CRTZ_7229 Categories: ,