Red Tile Star


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Quick Stats

Care Level




Color Form

Red, orange, and white



Reef Compatible


Water Conditions

sg 1.023-1.025, 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4

Max. Size

Up to 12 inches



Minimum Tank Size

100 gallons


The Red Tile Star is a stunning sea star that can be a striking addition to any well-maintained reef aquarium. With its vibrant red-orange coloration and intricate white markings, it is visually captivating. However, the Red Tile Star requires specific care conditions, making it a choice for more experienced aquarists. This sea star is often found roaming rocky substrates and reef environments. It can be sensitive to changes in water quality, so maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. The Red Tile Star is an omnivore that will scavenge for detritus, algae, and small invertebrates. However, its diet may need supplementation, such as pieces of shrimp or clam. Due to its specific requirements, the Red Tile Star thrives best in a mature tank with established live rock and plenty of hiding places. Handle this starfish with care as they are delicate and should not be exposed to air for extended periods. Approximate Purchase Size: 3″ to 6″

SKU: CRTZ_7599 Category: