Quick Stats
Difficult |
Semi-Aggressive |
Color Form
White with Blue Stars and Dark Stripes |
Carnivore |
Reef Compatible
No |
Specific Gravity (sg) 1.020-1.025, 74-80°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 |
Max. Size
12 inches |
Tetraodontidae |
Minimum Tank Size
125 gallons |
The Stars and Stripes Puffer (Arothron hispidus) is an eye-catching marine fish renowned for its distinctive appearance. Its body is predominantly white, decorated with striking blue stars and bold dark stripes, creating a visually captivating display in any aquarium. This pufferfish is not only a beautiful addition but also showcases unique behavioral traits that intrigue both novice and experienced aquarists.
Native to the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific, the Stars and Stripes Puffer thrives in larger aquariums with ample swimming space and hiding spots. While generally semi-aggressive, this species can exhibit territorial behavior, especially as it matures. Therefore, it is advisable to house it in a spacious tank with compatible tankmates that can tolerate its sometimes assertive nature. Due to its size and temperament, it is best suited for larger community setups or species-only tanks.
As a carnivore, the Stars and Stripes Puffer has a hearty appetite, primarily feeding on crustaceans, mollusks, and other meaty foods. In captivity, it thrives on a varied diet that includes high-quality pellets, frozen foods, and occasional live treats. It’s essential to ensure a consistent diet to maintain its health and vibrant colors. However, keep in mind that this species is not reef-compatible, as its feeding habits may lead to damage to corals and invertebrates in a reef setting. With proper care, the Stars and Stripes Puffer can be a stunning centerpiece in your aquarium.